Willing to delete your Instagram Account? Sometimes people wish to keep off the social media or feel that they have used too much of it. Whatever the reason may be Deleting Instagram has been a trending topic on the web. Instagram is one of the most popular image sharing website that is highly functional. However, users sometimes get bored or no longer require their account.
This might leave you fishing for steps on how to permanently delete an Instagram account. If you wish to permanently see off Instagram, find easy instructions here. We have provided steps via which one can delete an Instagram account on a phone and deactivate the account.
How to Delete your Instagram Account on Phone
Step 1– To begin the account deletion procedure you need to sign into your Instagram account. Now go to the ‘Help Center’ option located under the Support tab. Here you will find the account deletion button. If you are already logged in you can go to the account deletion page following this Link.
Step 2– Once you click on the link you will be navigated to a new webpage that displays the ‘Delete Account’ section. Here you will find an apology note from Instagram.
Step 3– Scroll down and you will be required to select a reason for permanently delete Instagram. Select an option from the drop-down menu and Instagram will suggest some guidelines which can help you use Instagram instead of deleting it.
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